The Holiday Franchise Company held their 2024 annual conference onboard the fantastic British Airways retired 747 at Cotswolds Airport. The theme of the conference tied into their venue, which was “Fly High”.

The two-day event brought franchisees together to learn about the latest business updates, build peer to peer relationships, connect with selected suppliers, celebrate achievements and plan for a stronger future.

On the evening everyone gathered at the De Vere Waterpark Hotel for a champagne reception, gala dinner and an awards ceremony, to celebrate outstanding achievements across their network.

Amy Holland Co-Founder of Dream Travel Planners said “Attending this event was incredibly valuable. The updates shared, along with Clair’s workshop, left me feeling inspired and motivated for the year ahead. Connecting with fellow franchisees was a highlight, and I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned”.

“Joanne Aldridge Head of Franchise said “Its really important to us for us to be accountable to our franchisees, and for them to be involved in the growth and evolution of the business. We held an annual satisfaction survey, which then led where we focussed our development and the content of the conference.”

The new launches for 2025 include new visual quotes to help their franchisees bring holidays to life, customisable Wedding & Honeymoon Gift Lists and a new Tour Operation booking system.

“Dan Thompson Head of Tech said “We focus our development on where we can improve franchisees offering to customers, help them work more efficiently and reduce costs within their business. The team were really happy with what we have already put live and the new 2025 launches”.

The Holiday Franchise Company announced it had secured a place in the HSBC Elite Top 100 Franchisees for the sixth year in a row, they are the only travel franchisee to be awarded this level of recognition.

The business continues to grow at a rapid rate with year-on-year growth in sales of over 39%, and already a recording breaking January performance. This has been achieved through the improved productivity of the team, rather than mass recruitment. Their focus remains on quality business partners over quantity.

About The Holiday Franchise Company

The Holiday Franchise Company support those looking to create their own branded, fully bonded, online or retail travel agency, based on their own travel experiences. They are backed by multi awarding-winning Holidaysplease,

which was started in 2002 on a £6k investment turning over £40m, before being acquired by Travel Counsellors If you have been thinking of working for yourself and would like additional information, please visit or contact Luke Western on or on 0121 200 5561