In the first EWIF North East meeting of 2023, we gathered in Durham to discuss the importance of human resources (HR) in the industry at all levels. The meeting brought together women from a variety of franchising companies to discuss the challenges of HR in the sector.
The meeting kicked off with a keynote speech from HR expert and franchisee herself, Alison Schreiber from HR Dept. Alison emphasised the importance of creating a strong company culture and provided tips on a variety of topics including managing staff, contracts, attendance issues, recent changes in HR law as well as talking about her personal experience of being a franchisees. She spoke passionately about the benefits of being part of a franchise system. There was a robust Q&A session afterwards where everyone could ask any and all the questions they had about HR.
The meeting kicked off with a keynote speech from HR expert and franchisee herself, Alison Schreiber from HR Dept. Alison emphasised the importance of creating a strong company culture and provided tips on a variety of topics including managing staff, contracts, attendance issues, recent changes in HR law as well as talking about her personal experience of being a franchisees. She spoke passionately about the benefits of being part of a franchise system. There was a robust Q&A session afterwards where everyone could ask any and all the questions they had about HR.
Following Alison’s talk, attendees participated in a wider group discussion on franchising where they shared their own experiences and challenges in franchising more generally. We discussed in depth the unique challenges faced by women in the franchising industry. Many attendees spoke about the need for more female leadership and the importance of mentorship and support networks for women in the industry, which of course is something we provide completely free of charge at EWIF.
Overall, the meeting was seen as a major success by attendees. Many left feeling inspired and empowered to take on the challenges of HR in their companies, and to continue working together to champion the role of women in the franchising industry.
Overall, the meeting was seen as a major success by attendees. Many left feeling inspired and empowered to take on the challenges of HR in their companies, and to continue working together to champion the role of women in the franchising industry.