Right, ladies! It’s time to address the elephant in the room. The one affecting woman of **whispers it** a ‘certain age’. You are more than capable of running a business! So stop letting those hormones run riot around your brain, telling you “you can’t do this, that or the other”!
If you’ve experienced brain fog, or a sudden sense of anxiety about what you are facing, you may be under the false impression you could never run a business. Sure, perimenopause and the menopause messes with your mind, and your mojo… but it doesn’t have to mess with your future!
Whilst perimenopause and the menopause are still somewhat hush-hush, we couldn’t address the confidence and mindset barrier holding women back from starting a business, without talking about it. Our menopausing experiences will differ, although there may be some similarities – particularly when it comes to work and career confidence.
In a survey by Nuffield Health[1]:
- 72% of peri & menopausal women felt unsupported at work
- 90% said they felt unable or embarrassed to speak to managers at work
- 51% of respondents had reduced their working hours due to their menopause symptoms
- and a staggering 32% had considered quitting their jobs, altogether

Don’t meno-panic!
Recent studies carried out by the NHS have shown the menopause symptoms can have a significant impact on performance in the workplace. These include cognitive impairment as well as physical and psychological symptoms. So, if you’ve experienced mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, you’re in good company: 9 in 10 women[2] said their menopausal or perimenopausal symptoms had had a negative impact on their work. So, you’re not alone.
You don’t have to allow this stage of your life take control of you. There are many ways in which you can take control of perimenopause and menopause – not all of which we can cover in this blog, and there are better-informed websites and experts who can guide you.
Take time to meno-pause
It’s sad to read how other women are thinking about quitting their jobs, because of the combination of their menopause, and a lack of support. You have the skills and experience to be able to put them to work for yourself, so take time to reflect on what you really want from this stage of life. For many, it is about working toward the retirement plan we want: does your current situation enable you to achieve this?
If not, and you are interested in being your own boss, then let’s look at how franchising can help you with this goal. According to the 2018 NatWest bfa Franchise Survey[3], there was a 20% rise in the number of women starting their own franchised business, meaning 37% of new franchisees were women: including women over “a certain age”.

You can meno-perform!
Whilst during peri and menopause, your mind starts to play tricks and your confidence takes a hit, starting your own business is a positive way to gain a sense of control. AND you can do it, fully supported. We’re not saying it will clear the brain fog, or stop people from irritating you at the wrong time, but you can gain a sense of perspective for the future, and make a career move that works for you.
Franchising is a supportive route toward business ownership:
- You’ll receive training to cover all aspects of running a business, as well as running a business under your chosen brand.
- You have the support of others in the network, as well as those at the Head Office, who can help keep you grounded, and sane.
- And, if you employ the right people, you’ll have their support too, allowing you to have the flexibility to work and grow your business, when your brain is at its best.
What’s more, with organisations like EWiF, you have a whole network of women at all stages of their franchise development, with whom you can connect and gain insight from.
If you want to know more about how to feel confident to run your own business with the support of the right franchise, why not speak to one of EWiF mentors? Book your free 30-minute session, today.
[1] https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/article/one-in-four-with-menopause-symptoms-concerned-about-ability-to-cope-with-life
[2] according to a survey of 1,132 women by The Menopause Doctor: www.menopausedoctor.co.uk
[3] https://www.thebfa.org/about-us/industry-research/