Hello and welcome to 

EWiF South Wales 

Katie Bullon is an award-winning entrepreneur, franchisor, and passionate advocate for supporting women in business. With a unique perspective gained from being both a franchisee and a franchisor, Katie’s journey into franchising is truly inspiring. She began her career in franchising as a franchisee with activ Marketing before buying out the business in 2021. Since then, she has reworked the franchise model, tripling turnover, gaining BFA accreditation, and introducing an innovative online franchise model that allows consultants to build successful marketing businesses from anywhere in the world.

Katie’s dual experience as both a franchisee and a franchisor is a significant strength that shapes her approach to franchising. It enables her to deeply understand the challenges and opportunities faced by franchisees, making her uniquely qualified to support and guide others in the industry. Alongside her work with activ, Katie is also the marketing columnist for the BFA magazine, where she shares her insights and expertise to inspire others within the franchising world.

As EWIF’s South Wales Regional Chair, Katie is dedicated to creating a supportive and inspiring community for women in franchising across the region. She envisions EWIF South Wales meetings as dynamic spaces where women can share knowledge, build connections, and celebrate successes. Her goal is to foster an inclusive environment that supports women at all stages of their franchising journeys, whether they are exploring the concept, growing a franchise, or managing established networks.

Katie is excited to drive meaningful conversations, nurture entrepreneurial growth, and showcase the exceptional talent within Wales. As part of the EWIF Management Team, she is committed to promoting EWIF’s mission of supporting, inspiring, and encouraging women into franchising.

Katie Bullon

Katie Bullon

EWiF South Wales Regional Chair



This year, we’re running a Bring-A-Buddy scheme, where we are inviting our ambassadors to invite a ‘buddy’ along to any of the EWiF meetings, to see for themselves what we’re all about. We want to encourage more women into franchising for themselves, one of the best ways we believe we can do this, is by expanding our inspirational army of EWiF Ambassadors. Connect your friends to an industry which could enhance their business, or benefit from their services, plus you could win EWiF Ambassador of the Month if your friend(s) becomes an EWiF member!

So, take a look at your inner circle or network. Who are you connected with, and what could they offer to the wider franchise community? Or, how could franchising inspire them to fulfil their true self? Then, just invite them along to the next meeting in your region. If we all invited just one person, and they, in time, invited someone else, through the power of connection EWiF’s impact could really grow this year!

Book your place

Head to our regional meetings page to see when the next meeting is!
Click Here