Hello and welcome to
EWiF South-West.
I’m Claire, founder and franchisor of Extra Help Ltd, co owner of The Franchise Consultant and South West Regional Chair for EWiF.
Extra Help was founded in 2010, it’s a home help franchise with 36 franchisees across the country, 2/3rds of our franchisees are women who come from different backgrounds, offering support to elderly and vulnerable clients is our joint passion.
My passion for franchising has been with me since franchising Extra Help, which is why I wear another hat as Managing Director of The Franchise Consultant. At The Franchise Consultant we help businesses grow through franchise, we help with franchisee recruitment, franchise sale and franchisee resales.
I’m not new to EWiF, I’ve been a member for many years and have previously been regional chair of the South West meetings, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to return to this role.
Our meetings are open to everyone – people considering entering the franchising world, franchisors and franchisees (whether experienced or inexperienced). You’ll find each meeting friendly, supportive and collaborative. Where possible we have speakers, or there are topics for lively debate.
We’d love to welcome you to EWiF meetings in the South West region soon.

Claire Robinson
South West Regional Chair
This year, we’re running a Bring-A-Buddy scheme, where we are inviting our ambassadors to invite a ‘buddy’ along to any of the EWiF meetings, to see for themselves what we’re all about. We want to encourage more women into franchising for themselves, one of the best ways we believe we can do this, is by expanding our inspirational army of EWiF Ambassadors. Connect your friends to an industry which could enhance their business, or benefit from their services, plus you could win EWiF Ambassador of the Month if your friend(s) becomes an EWiF member!
So, take a look at your inner circle or network. Who are you connected with, and what could they offer to the wider franchise community? Or, how could franchising inspire them to fulfil their true self? Then, just invite them along to the next meeting in your region. If we all invited just one person, and they, in time, invited someone else, through the power of connection EWiF’s impact could really grow this year!